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#include "library/datastructure/bbst/red_black_segment_tree.hpp"
#ifndef SUISEN_RED_BLACK_SEGMENT_TREE #define SUISEN_RED_BLACK_SEGMENT_TREE #include "library/datastructure/bbst/red_black_tree_base.hpp" namespace suisen::bbst::segtree { template <typename T, T(*op)(T, T), T(*e)(), template <typename, typename> typename BaseNode = internal::RedBlackTreeNodeBase> struct RedBlackTreeNode : public BaseNode<T, RedBlackTreeNode<T, op, e, BaseNode>> { using base_type = BaseNode<T, RedBlackTreeNode<T, op, e, BaseNode>>; using node_type = typename base_type::node_type; using tree_type = typename base_type::tree_type; using size_type = typename base_type::size_type; using value_type = typename base_type::value_type; friend base_type; friend typename base_type::base_type; RedBlackTreeNode() : base_type() {} static std::pair<tree_type, value_type> prod(tree_type node, size_type l, size_type r) { auto [tl, tm, tr] = base_type::split_range(node, l, r); value_type res = value(tm); return { base_type::merge(base_type::merge(tl, tm), tr), res }; } static value_type prod_all(tree_type node) { return value(node); } private: RedBlackTreeNode(const value_type& val) : base_type(val) {} RedBlackTreeNode(tree_type l, tree_type r) : base_type(l, r) {} static value_type value(tree_type node) { return node ? node->_val : e(); } static tree_type update(tree_type node) { base_type::update(node); node->_val = op(value(node->_ch[0]), value(node->_ch[1])); return node; } }; } #endif // SUISEN_RED_BLACK_SEGMENT_TREE
#line 1 "library/datastructure/bbst/red_black_segment_tree.hpp" #line 1 "library/datastructure/bbst/red_black_tree_base.hpp" #include <cassert> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <tuple> #line 1 "library/util/object_pool.hpp" #include <deque> #include <vector> namespace suisen { template <typename T, bool auto_extend = false> struct ObjectPool { using value_type = T; using value_pointer_type = T*; template <typename U> using container_type = std::conditional_t<auto_extend, std::deque<U>, std::vector<U>>; container_type<value_type> pool; container_type<value_pointer_type> stock; decltype(stock.begin()) it; ObjectPool() : ObjectPool(0) {} ObjectPool(int siz) : pool(siz), stock(siz) { clear(); } int capacity() const { return pool.size(); } int size() const { return it - stock.begin(); } value_pointer_type alloc() { if constexpr (auto_extend) ensure(); return *it++; } void free(value_pointer_type t) { *--it = t; } void clear() { int siz = pool.size(); it = stock.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < siz; i++) stock[i] = &pool[i]; } void ensure() { if (it != stock.end()) return; int siz = stock.size(); for (int i = siz; i <= siz * 2; ++i) { stock.push_back(&pool.emplace_back()); } it = stock.begin() + siz; } }; } // namespace suisen #line 9 "library/datastructure/bbst/red_black_tree_base.hpp" namespace suisen::bbst::internal { template <typename T, typename Derived> struct RedBlackTreeNodeBase { enum RedBlackTreeNodeColor { RED, BLACK }; using base_type = void; using size_type = int; using value_type = T; using node_type = Derived; using tree_type = node_type*; using color_type = RedBlackTreeNodeColor; RedBlackTreeNodeBase() = default; static inline ObjectPool<node_type> pool{}; static void init_pool(int siz) { pool = ObjectPool<node_type>(siz); } static int node_num() { return pool.size(); } static tree_type empty_tree() { return nullptr; } static size_type size(tree_type node) { return node ? node->_siz : 0; } static bool empty(tree_type node) { return not node; } template <bool force_black_root = true> static tree_type merge(tree_type l, tree_type r) { if (not l) return r; if (not r) return l; tree_type res = nullptr; if (size_type hl = height(l), hr = height(r); hl > hr) { l = node_type::push(l); tree_type c = l->_ch[1] = merge<false>(l->_ch[1], r); if (l->_col == BLACK and c->_col == RED and color(c->_ch[1]) == RED) { std::swap(l->_col, c->_col); if (std::exchange(l->_ch[0]->_col, BLACK) == BLACK) return rotate(l, 1); } res = node_type::update(l); } else if (hr > hl) { r = node_type::push(r); tree_type c = r->_ch[0] = merge<false>(l, r->_ch[0]); if (r->_col == BLACK and c->_col == RED and color(c->_ch[0]) == RED) { std::swap(r->_col, c->_col); if (std::exchange(r->_ch[1]->_col, BLACK) == BLACK) return rotate(r, 0); } res = node_type::update(r); } else { res = create_branch(l, r); } if constexpr (force_black_root) res->_col = BLACK; return res; } static std::pair<tree_type, tree_type> split(tree_type node, size_type k) { if (not node) return { nullptr, nullptr }; node = node_type::push(node); if (k == 0) return { nullptr, node }; if (k == size(node)) return { node, nullptr }; tree_type l = std::exchange(node->_ch[0], nullptr); tree_type r = std::exchange(node->_ch[1], nullptr); free_node(node); if (color(l) == RED) l->_col = BLACK; if (color(r) == RED) r->_col = BLACK; size_type szl = size(l); tree_type m; if (k < szl) { std::tie(l, m) = split(l, k); return { l, merge(m, r) }; } if (k > szl) { std::tie(m, r) = split(r, k - szl); return { merge(l, m), r }; } return { l, r }; } static std::tuple<tree_type, tree_type, tree_type> split_range(tree_type node, size_type l, size_type r) { auto [tlm, tr] = split(node, r); auto [tl, tm] = split(tlm, l); return { tl, tm, tr }; } static tree_type insert(tree_type node, size_type k, const value_type& val) { auto [tl, tr] = split(node, k); return merge(merge(tl, create_leaf(val)), tr); } static tree_type push_front(tree_type node, const value_type &val) { return insert(node, 0, val); } static tree_type push_back(tree_type node, const value_type &val) { return insert(node, size(node), val); } static std::pair<tree_type, value_type> erase(tree_type node, size_type k) { auto [tl, tm, tr] = split_range(node, k, k + 1); value_type erased_value = tm->_val; free_node(tm); return { merge(tl, tr) , erased_value }; } static std::pair<tree_type, value_type> pop_front(tree_type node) { return erase(node, 0); } static std::pair<tree_type, value_type> pop_back(tree_type node) { return erase(node, size(node) - 1); } template <typename Fun> static tree_type update_value(tree_type node, size_type k, Fun &&fun) { auto [tl, top, tr] = split_range(node, k, k + 1); top->_val = fun(top->_val); return merge(merge(tl, top), tr); } static tree_type set(tree_type node, size_type k, value_type val) { return update_value(node, k, [&val]{ return val; }); } static std::pair<tree_type, value_type> get(tree_type node, size_type k) { auto [tl, top, tr] = split_range(node, k, k + 1); value_type res = top->_val; return { merge(merge(tl, top), tr), res }; } template <typename Seq> static tree_type build(const Seq& a, int l, int r) { if (r - l == 1) return create_leaf(a[l]); int m = (l + r) >> 1; return merge(build(a, l, m), build(a, m, r)); } template <typename Seq> static tree_type build(const Seq& a) { return a.empty() ? empty_tree() : build(a, 0, a.size()); } template <typename OutputIterator> static void dump(tree_type node, OutputIterator it) { if (empty(node)) return; auto dfs = [&](auto dfs, tree_type cur) -> void { if (cur->is_leaf()) { *it++ = cur->_val; return; } dfs(dfs, cur->_ch[0]); dfs(dfs, cur->_ch[1]); }; dfs(dfs, node); } // Don't use on persistent tree. static void free(tree_type node) { auto dfs = [&](auto dfs, tree_type cur) -> void { if (not cur) return; dfs(dfs, cur->_ch[0]); dfs(dfs, cur->_ch[1]); free_node(cur); }; dfs(dfs, node); } template <typename ToStr> static std::string to_string(tree_type node, ToStr f) { std::vector<value_type> dat; node_type::dump(node, std::back_inserter(dat)); std::ostringstream res; int siz = dat.size(); res << '['; for (int i = 0; i < siz; ++i) { res << f(dat[i]); if (i != siz - 1) res << ", "; } res << ']'; return res.str(); } static std::string to_string(tree_type node) { return to_string(node, [](const auto &e) { return e; }); } static void check_rbtree_properties(tree_type node) { assert(color(node) == BLACK); auto dfs = [&](auto dfs, tree_type cur) -> int { if (not cur) return 0; if (cur->_col == RED) { assert(color(cur->_ch[0]) == BLACK); assert(color(cur->_ch[1]) == BLACK); } int bl = dfs(dfs, cur->_ch[0]); int br = dfs(dfs, cur->_ch[1]); assert(bl == br); return bl + (cur->_col == BLACK); }; dfs(dfs, node); } protected: color_type _col; tree_type _ch[2]{ nullptr, nullptr }; value_type _val; size_type _siz, _lev; RedBlackTreeNodeBase(const value_type& val) : _col(BLACK), _val(val), _siz(1), _lev(0) {} RedBlackTreeNodeBase(tree_type l, tree_type r) : _col(RED), _ch{ l, r }, _siz(l->_siz + r->_siz), _lev(l->_lev + (l->_col == BLACK)) {} static void clear_pool() { pool.clear(); } static int pool_capacity() { return pool.capacity(); } static color_type color(tree_type node) { return node ? node->_col : BLACK; } static size_type height(tree_type node) { return node ? node->_lev : 0; } bool is_leaf() const { return not (_ch[0] or _ch[1]); } static tree_type clone(tree_type node) { return node; } static tree_type update(tree_type node) { node->_siz = node->is_leaf() ? 1 : size(node->_ch[0]) + size(node->_ch[1]); node->_lev = node->_ch[0] ? height(node->_ch[0]) + (node->_ch[0]->_col == BLACK) : 0; return node; } static tree_type push(tree_type node) { return node; } static tree_type rotate(tree_type node, int index) { node = node_type::push(node); tree_type ch_node = node_type::push(node->_ch[index]); node->_ch[index] = std::exchange(ch_node->_ch[index ^ 1], node); return node_type::update(node), node_type::update(ch_node); } static tree_type create_leaf(const value_type& val = value_type{}) { return &(*pool.alloc() = node_type(val)); } static tree_type create_branch(tree_type l, tree_type r) { return node_type::update(&(*pool.alloc() = node_type(l, r))); } static void free_node(tree_type node) { if (node); } }; } // namespace suisen #line 5 "library/datastructure/bbst/red_black_segment_tree.hpp" namespace suisen::bbst::segtree { template <typename T, T(*op)(T, T), T(*e)(), template <typename, typename> typename BaseNode = internal::RedBlackTreeNodeBase> struct RedBlackTreeNode : public BaseNode<T, RedBlackTreeNode<T, op, e, BaseNode>> { using base_type = BaseNode<T, RedBlackTreeNode<T, op, e, BaseNode>>; using node_type = typename base_type::node_type; using tree_type = typename base_type::tree_type; using size_type = typename base_type::size_type; using value_type = typename base_type::value_type; friend base_type; friend typename base_type::base_type; RedBlackTreeNode() : base_type() {} static std::pair<tree_type, value_type> prod(tree_type node, size_type l, size_type r) { auto [tl, tm, tr] = base_type::split_range(node, l, r); value_type res = value(tm); return { base_type::merge(base_type::merge(tl, tm), tr), res }; } static value_type prod_all(tree_type node) { return value(node); } private: RedBlackTreeNode(const value_type& val) : base_type(val) {} RedBlackTreeNode(tree_type l, tree_type r) : base_type(l, r) {} static value_type value(tree_type node) { return node ? node->_val : e(); } static tree_type update(tree_type node) { base_type::update(node); node->_val = op(value(node->_ch[0]), value(node->_ch[1])); return node; } }; }