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:warning: セグメント木 (添字集合が疎な場合)

セグメント木 (添字集合が疎な場合)




#include <cassert>
#include <vector>

namespace suisen {
    namespace internal::sparse_segtree {
        template <typename IndexType, typename T, T(*e)()>
        T default_init(IndexType, IndexType) { return e(); }
    template <
        typename IndexType, // type of index
        typename T,         // type of element
        T(*op)(T, T),       // (x, y) -> x * y
        T(*e)(),            // () -> identity
        // (l, r) -> init[l] * init[l+1] * ... * init[r-1]
        T(*init)(IndexType, IndexType) = internal::sparse_segtree::default_init<IndexType, T, e>
    struct SparseSegmentTree {
        using index_type = IndexType;
        using value_type = T;
        using pool_index_type = uint32_t;

        struct Node {
            pool_index_type ch[2]{ 0, 0 };
            value_type dat;
            Node(const value_type& dat) : dat(dat) {}

        static inline std::vector<Node> pool{ Node{ e() } };

        static pool_index_type new_node(const value_type& dat) {
            const pool_index_type res = pool.size();
            return pool.emplace_back(dat), res;
        SparseSegmentTree() : SparseSegmentTree(0) {}
        explicit SparseSegmentTree(IndexType n) : n(n), root(new_node(init(0, n))) {}

        static void reserve(int siz) {

        value_type get(index_type i) const {
            assert(0 <= i and i < n);
            pool_index_type cur = root;
            for (index_type l = 0, r = n; cur and r - l > 1;) {
                index_type m = (l + r) >> 1;
                if (i < m) cur = pool[cur].ch[0], r = m;
                else       cur = pool[cur].ch[1], l = m;
            return get(cur, i, i + 1);
        template <typename Fun>
        void apply_fun(index_type i, Fun &&fun) {
            assert(0 <= i and i < n);
            auto rec = [&](auto rec, pool_index_type cur, index_type l, index_type r) -> void {
                if (r - l == 1) {
                    pool[cur].dat = fun(get(cur, l, r));
                const index_type m = (l + r) >> 1;
                if (i < m) rec(rec, get_or_create_child(cur, 0, l, m), l, m);
                else       rec(rec, get_or_create_child(cur, 1, m, r), m, r);
                pool[cur].dat = op(get(pool[cur].ch[0], l, m), get(pool[cur].ch[1], m, r));
            rec(rec, root, 0, n);
        void set(index_type i, const value_type& val) {
            apply_fun(i, [&val](const value_type&) { return val; });

        value_type operator()(index_type l, index_type r) const {
            assert(0 <= l and l <= r and r <= n);
            return query(root, l, r, 0, n);
        value_type prod(index_type l, index_type r) const {
            return (*this)(l, r);
        value_type prod_all() const {
            return pool[root].dat;

        index_type n;
        pool_index_type root;

        value_type get(pool_index_type node, index_type tl, index_type tr) const {
            return node ? pool[node].dat : init(tl, tr);

        pool_index_type get_or_create_child(pool_index_type node, int index, index_type tl, index_type tr) {
            if (pool[node].ch[index]) return pool[node].ch[index];
            const pool_index_type ch = new_node(init(tl, tr));
            return pool[node].ch[index] = ch;

        value_type query(pool_index_type node, index_type ql, index_type qr, index_type tl, index_type tr) const {
            if (tr <= ql or qr <= tl) return e();
            if (not node) return init(std::max(ql, tl), std::min(qr, tr));
            if (ql <= tl and tr <= qr) return pool[node].dat;
            const index_type tm = (tl + tr) >> 1;
            return op(query(pool[node].ch[0], ql, qr, tl, tm), query(pool[node].ch[1], ql, qr, tm, tr));

#line 1 "library/datastructure/segment_tree/sparse_segment_tree.hpp"

#include <cassert>
#include <vector>

namespace suisen {
    namespace internal::sparse_segtree {
        template <typename IndexType, typename T, T(*e)()>
        T default_init(IndexType, IndexType) { return e(); }
    template <
        typename IndexType, // type of index
        typename T,         // type of element
        T(*op)(T, T),       // (x, y) -> x * y
        T(*e)(),            // () -> identity
        // (l, r) -> init[l] * init[l+1] * ... * init[r-1]
        T(*init)(IndexType, IndexType) = internal::sparse_segtree::default_init<IndexType, T, e>
    struct SparseSegmentTree {
        using index_type = IndexType;
        using value_type = T;
        using pool_index_type = uint32_t;

        struct Node {
            pool_index_type ch[2]{ 0, 0 };
            value_type dat;
            Node(const value_type& dat) : dat(dat) {}

        static inline std::vector<Node> pool{ Node{ e() } };

        static pool_index_type new_node(const value_type& dat) {
            const pool_index_type res = pool.size();
            return pool.emplace_back(dat), res;
        SparseSegmentTree() : SparseSegmentTree(0) {}
        explicit SparseSegmentTree(IndexType n) : n(n), root(new_node(init(0, n))) {}

        static void reserve(int siz) {

        value_type get(index_type i) const {
            assert(0 <= i and i < n);
            pool_index_type cur = root;
            for (index_type l = 0, r = n; cur and r - l > 1;) {
                index_type m = (l + r) >> 1;
                if (i < m) cur = pool[cur].ch[0], r = m;
                else       cur = pool[cur].ch[1], l = m;
            return get(cur, i, i + 1);
        template <typename Fun>
        void apply_fun(index_type i, Fun &&fun) {
            assert(0 <= i and i < n);
            auto rec = [&](auto rec, pool_index_type cur, index_type l, index_type r) -> void {
                if (r - l == 1) {
                    pool[cur].dat = fun(get(cur, l, r));
                const index_type m = (l + r) >> 1;
                if (i < m) rec(rec, get_or_create_child(cur, 0, l, m), l, m);
                else       rec(rec, get_or_create_child(cur, 1, m, r), m, r);
                pool[cur].dat = op(get(pool[cur].ch[0], l, m), get(pool[cur].ch[1], m, r));
            rec(rec, root, 0, n);
        void set(index_type i, const value_type& val) {
            apply_fun(i, [&val](const value_type&) { return val; });

        value_type operator()(index_type l, index_type r) const {
            assert(0 <= l and l <= r and r <= n);
            return query(root, l, r, 0, n);
        value_type prod(index_type l, index_type r) const {
            return (*this)(l, r);
        value_type prod_all() const {
            return pool[root].dat;

        index_type n;
        pool_index_type root;

        value_type get(pool_index_type node, index_type tl, index_type tr) const {
            return node ? pool[node].dat : init(tl, tr);

        pool_index_type get_or_create_child(pool_index_type node, int index, index_type tl, index_type tr) {
            if (pool[node].ch[index]) return pool[node].ch[index];
            const pool_index_type ch = new_node(init(tl, tr));
            return pool[node].ch[index] = ch;

        value_type query(pool_index_type node, index_type ql, index_type qr, index_type tl, index_type tr) const {
            if (tr <= ql or qr <= tl) return e();
            if (not node) return init(std::max(ql, tl), std::min(qr, tr));
            if (ql <= tl and tr <= qr) return pool[node].dat;
            const index_type tm = (tl + tr) >> 1;
            return op(query(pool[node].ch[0], ql, qr, tl, tm), query(pool[node].ch[1], ql, qr, tm, tr));
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