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:heavy_check_mark: Slope Trick

Slope Trick

slope trick (1) 解説編 に詳しい。

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#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <tuple>
#include <queue>

namespace suisen {

template <typename T>
class SlopeTrick {
    using pq_dsc = std::priority_queue<T>;
    using pq_asc = std::priority_queue<T, std::vector<T>, std::greater<T>>;
        static constexpr T inf = std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / 2;

        SlopeTrick() : base(0), add_l(0), add_r(0) {
            l.push(-inf), r.push(+inf);

        T min() const {
            return base;
        std::pair<T, T> argmin_range() const {
            return {l.top() + add_l, r.top() + add_r};
        SlopeTrick& add_const(const T a) {
            base += a;
            return *this;
        // f += max(0, x - a)
        SlopeTrick& add_right(const T a) {
            if (l.top() + add_l <= a) {
                r.push(a - add_r);
            } else {
                base += (l.top() + add_l) - a;
                l.push(a - add_l), r.push(l.top() + add_l - add_r), l.pop();
            return *this;
        // f += max(0, a - x)
        SlopeTrick& add_left(const T a) {
            if (r.top() + add_r >= a) {
                l.push(a - add_l);
            } else {
                base += a - (r.top() + add_r);
                r.push(a - add_r), l.push(r.top() + add_r - add_l), r.pop();
            return *this;
        // f += |x - a|
        SlopeTrick& add_abs(const T a) {
            add_left(a), add_right(a);
            return *this;
        SlopeTrick& cumulative_min_left() {
            r = pq_asc{}, r.push(+inf);
            return *this;
        SlopeTrick& cumulative_min_right() {
            l = pq_dsc{}, l.push(-inf);
            return *this;
        SlopeTrick& operator<<=(const T shamt_left) {
            add_l -= shamt_left, add_r -= shamt_left;
            return *this;
        SlopeTrick& operator>>=(const T shamt_right) {
            add_l += shamt_right, add_r += shamt_right;
            return *this;
        SlopeTrick& translate(const T dx) {
            return dx >= 0 ? *this >>= dx : *this <<= -dx;
        // f(x) = min_{x-b <= y <= x-a} f(y)
        SlopeTrick& sliding_window_minimum(const T a, const T b) {
            assert(a <= b);
            add_l += a, add_r += b;
            return *this;

        std::tuple<std::vector<T>, T, std::vector<T>> lines() {
            struct seq_getter_dsc : public pq_dsc { static std::vector<T> get(const pq_dsc& pq) { return pq.*&seq_getter_dsc::c; } };
            struct seq_getter_asc : public pq_asc { static std::vector<T> get(const pq_dsc& pq) { return pq.*&seq_getter_asc::c; } };
            std::vector<T> neg = seq_getter_dsc::get(l);
            std::vector<T> pos = seq_getter_asc::get(r);
            std::sort(neg.begin(), neg.end());
            std::sort(pos.begin(), pos.end());
            for (auto &e : neg) e += add_l;
            for (auto &e : pos) e += add_r;
            return std::make_tuple(neg, base, pos);

        T base, add_l, add_r;
        pq_dsc l;
        pq_asc r;
} // namespace suisen

#line 1 "library/datastructure/slope_trick.hpp"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <tuple>
#include <queue>

namespace suisen {

template <typename T>
class SlopeTrick {
    using pq_dsc = std::priority_queue<T>;
    using pq_asc = std::priority_queue<T, std::vector<T>, std::greater<T>>;
        static constexpr T inf = std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / 2;

        SlopeTrick() : base(0), add_l(0), add_r(0) {
            l.push(-inf), r.push(+inf);

        T min() const {
            return base;
        std::pair<T, T> argmin_range() const {
            return {l.top() + add_l, r.top() + add_r};
        SlopeTrick& add_const(const T a) {
            base += a;
            return *this;
        // f += max(0, x - a)
        SlopeTrick& add_right(const T a) {
            if (l.top() + add_l <= a) {
                r.push(a - add_r);
            } else {
                base += (l.top() + add_l) - a;
                l.push(a - add_l), r.push(l.top() + add_l - add_r), l.pop();
            return *this;
        // f += max(0, a - x)
        SlopeTrick& add_left(const T a) {
            if (r.top() + add_r >= a) {
                l.push(a - add_l);
            } else {
                base += a - (r.top() + add_r);
                r.push(a - add_r), l.push(r.top() + add_r - add_l), r.pop();
            return *this;
        // f += |x - a|
        SlopeTrick& add_abs(const T a) {
            add_left(a), add_right(a);
            return *this;
        SlopeTrick& cumulative_min_left() {
            r = pq_asc{}, r.push(+inf);
            return *this;
        SlopeTrick& cumulative_min_right() {
            l = pq_dsc{}, l.push(-inf);
            return *this;
        SlopeTrick& operator<<=(const T shamt_left) {
            add_l -= shamt_left, add_r -= shamt_left;
            return *this;
        SlopeTrick& operator>>=(const T shamt_right) {
            add_l += shamt_right, add_r += shamt_right;
            return *this;
        SlopeTrick& translate(const T dx) {
            return dx >= 0 ? *this >>= dx : *this <<= -dx;
        // f(x) = min_{x-b <= y <= x-a} f(y)
        SlopeTrick& sliding_window_minimum(const T a, const T b) {
            assert(a <= b);
            add_l += a, add_r += b;
            return *this;

        std::tuple<std::vector<T>, T, std::vector<T>> lines() {
            struct seq_getter_dsc : public pq_dsc { static std::vector<T> get(const pq_dsc& pq) { return pq.*&seq_getter_dsc::c; } };
            struct seq_getter_asc : public pq_asc { static std::vector<T> get(const pq_dsc& pq) { return pq.*&seq_getter_asc::c; } };
            std::vector<T> neg = seq_getter_dsc::get(l);
            std::vector<T> pos = seq_getter_asc::get(r);
            std::sort(neg.begin(), neg.end());
            std::sort(pos.begin(), pos.end());
            for (auto &e : neg) e += add_l;
            for (auto &e : pos) e += add_r;
            return std::make_tuple(neg, base, pos);

        T base, add_l, add_r;
        pq_dsc l;
        pq_asc r;
} // namespace suisen
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