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:warning: Union Find Lazy

Union Find Lazy

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#include "library/datastructure/union_find/linked_union_find.hpp"

namespace suisen {
     * @brief Union Find with lazy propagation
     * @tparam T type of sum/value: commutative monoid
     * @tparam F type of operator: (possibly non-commutative) group
     * @tparam merge_sum (T& sum_parent, T sum_child) -> void
     * @tparam neg (T x) -> -x
     * @tparam mapping (F f, T& sum, int num) -> void
     * @tparam composition (F f, F g) -> f * g
     * @tparam id () -> identity
     * @tparam inv (F f) -> f^(-1)
    template <typename T, void(*merge_sum)(T&, T), T(*neg)(T), typename F, void(*mapping)(F, T&, int), F(*composition)(F, F), F(*id)(), F(*inv)(F)>
    struct UnionFindLazy : LinkedUnionFind {
        UnionFindLazy() : UnionFindLazy(0) {}
        explicit UnionFindLazy(int n, const T &init_value = T{}) : UnionFindLazy(std::vector<T>(n, init_value)) {}
        explicit UnionFindLazy(const std::vector<T> &init_values) : LinkedUnionFind(init_values.size()), _val(init_values), _sum(init_values), _laz(_n, id()) {}

        bool merge(int x, int y) {
            x = root(x), y = root(y);
            if (x == y) return false;

            UnionFind::merge(x, y);
            if (root(x) == y) std::swap(x, y);
            F laz = composition(inv(_laz[x]), _laz[y]);
            for (int v : connected_component(y)) {
                mapping(laz, _val[v], 1);

            merge_sum(_sum[x], std::move(_sum[y]));

            std::swap(_link[x], _link[y]);
            return true;

        const T& get_component(int x) {
            return _sum[root(x)];
        T get_point(int x) {
            T val = _val[x];
            mapping(_laz[root(x)], val, 1);
            return val;
        void apply_component(int x, const F& f) {
            x = root(x);
            mapping(f, _sum[x], size(x));
            _laz[x] = composition(f, _laz[x]);
        void apply_point(int x, const F& f) {
            _apply_point(x, [&f](T& old_value) { mapping(f, old_value, 1); });
        void set_point(int x, const T &new_value) {
            _apply_point(x, [&new_value](T& old_value) { old_value = new_value; });

        void propagate(int x) {
            x = root(x);
            F laz = std::exchange(_laz[x], id());
            for (int v : connected_component(x)) {
                mapping(laz, _val[v], 1);

        T& raw_value(int x) {
            return _val[x];
        const T& raw_value(int x) const {
            return _val[x];
        std::vector<T> _val;
        std::vector<T> _sum;
        std::vector<F> _laz;

        template <typename Mapping>
        void _apply_point(int x, const Mapping& f) {
            int r = root(x);
            T v = get_point(x);
            merge_sum(_sum[r], neg(v));
            merge_sum(_sum[r], v);
            mapping(inv(_laz[r]), _val[x] = std::move(v), 1);
} // namespace suisen

#line 1 "library/datastructure/union_find/union_find_lazy.hpp"

#line 1 "library/datastructure/union_find/linked_union_find.hpp"

#include <numeric>
#line 1 "library/datastructure/union_find/union_find.hpp"

#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

namespace suisen {
    struct UnionFind {
        UnionFind() = default;
        explicit UnionFind(int _n) : _n(_n), _dat(_n, -1) {}
        // Get the root of `x`. equivalent to `operator[](x)`
        int root(int x) {
            static std::vector<int> buf;
            while (_dat[x] >= 0) buf.push_back(x), x = _dat[x];
            while (buf.size()) _dat[buf.back()] = x, buf.pop_back();
            return x;
        // Get the root of `x`. euivalent to `root(x)`
        int operator[](int x) {
            return root(x);
        // Merge two vertices `x` and `y`.
        bool merge(int x, int y) {
            x = root(x), y = root(y);
            if (x == y) return false;
            if (_dat[x] > _dat[y]) std::swap(x, y);
            _dat[x] += _dat[y], _dat[y] = x;
            return true;
        // Check if `x` and `y` belongs to the same connected component.
        bool same(int x, int y) {
            return root(x) == root(y);
        // Get the size of connected componet to which `x` belongs.
        int size(int x) {
            return -_dat[root(x)];
        // Get all of connected components.
        std::vector<std::vector<int>> groups() {
            std::vector<std::vector<int>> res(_n);
            for (int i = 0; i < _n; ++i) res[root(i)].push_back(i);
            res.erase(std::remove_if(res.begin(), res.end(), [](const auto& g) { return g.empty(); }), res.end());
            return res;
        int _n;
        std::vector<int> _dat;
} // namespace suisen

#line 6 "library/datastructure/union_find/linked_union_find.hpp"

namespace suisen {
    struct LinkedUnionFind : public UnionFind {
        LinkedUnionFind() = default;
        explicit LinkedUnionFind(int n) : UnionFind(n), _link(n) {
            std::iota(_link.begin(), _link.end(), 0);
        // Merge two vertices `x` and `y`.
        bool merge(int x, int y) {
            if (UnionFind::merge(x, y)) {
                std::swap(_link[x], _link[y]);
                return true;
            return false;
        // Get items connected to `x` (including `x`). Let the size of return value be `m`, time complexity is O(m).
        std::vector<int> connected_component(int x) const {
            std::vector<int> comp{ x };
            for (int y = _link[x]; y != x; y = _link[y]) comp.push_back(y);
            return comp;
        std::vector<int> _link;
} // namespace suisen

#line 5 "library/datastructure/union_find/union_find_lazy.hpp"

namespace suisen {
     * @brief Union Find with lazy propagation
     * @tparam T type of sum/value: commutative monoid
     * @tparam F type of operator: (possibly non-commutative) group
     * @tparam merge_sum (T& sum_parent, T sum_child) -> void
     * @tparam neg (T x) -> -x
     * @tparam mapping (F f, T& sum, int num) -> void
     * @tparam composition (F f, F g) -> f * g
     * @tparam id () -> identity
     * @tparam inv (F f) -> f^(-1)
    template <typename T, void(*merge_sum)(T&, T), T(*neg)(T), typename F, void(*mapping)(F, T&, int), F(*composition)(F, F), F(*id)(), F(*inv)(F)>
    struct UnionFindLazy : LinkedUnionFind {
        UnionFindLazy() : UnionFindLazy(0) {}
        explicit UnionFindLazy(int n, const T &init_value = T{}) : UnionFindLazy(std::vector<T>(n, init_value)) {}
        explicit UnionFindLazy(const std::vector<T> &init_values) : LinkedUnionFind(init_values.size()), _val(init_values), _sum(init_values), _laz(_n, id()) {}

        bool merge(int x, int y) {
            x = root(x), y = root(y);
            if (x == y) return false;

            UnionFind::merge(x, y);
            if (root(x) == y) std::swap(x, y);
            F laz = composition(inv(_laz[x]), _laz[y]);
            for (int v : connected_component(y)) {
                mapping(laz, _val[v], 1);

            merge_sum(_sum[x], std::move(_sum[y]));

            std::swap(_link[x], _link[y]);
            return true;

        const T& get_component(int x) {
            return _sum[root(x)];
        T get_point(int x) {
            T val = _val[x];
            mapping(_laz[root(x)], val, 1);
            return val;
        void apply_component(int x, const F& f) {
            x = root(x);
            mapping(f, _sum[x], size(x));
            _laz[x] = composition(f, _laz[x]);
        void apply_point(int x, const F& f) {
            _apply_point(x, [&f](T& old_value) { mapping(f, old_value, 1); });
        void set_point(int x, const T &new_value) {
            _apply_point(x, [&new_value](T& old_value) { old_value = new_value; });

        void propagate(int x) {
            x = root(x);
            F laz = std::exchange(_laz[x], id());
            for (int v : connected_component(x)) {
                mapping(laz, _val[v], 1);

        T& raw_value(int x) {
            return _val[x];
        const T& raw_value(int x) const {
            return _val[x];
        std::vector<T> _val;
        std::vector<T> _sum;
        std::vector<F> _laz;

        template <typename Mapping>
        void _apply_point(int x, const Mapping& f) {
            int r = root(x);
            T v = get_point(x);
            merge_sum(_sum[r], neg(v));
            merge_sum(_sum[r], v);
            mapping(inv(_laz[r]), _val[x] = std::move(v), 1);
} // namespace suisen
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