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:heavy_check_mark: test/src/string/run_enumerate/runenumerate.test.cpp

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#define PROBLEM "https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/runenumerate"

#include <iostream>

#include "library/string/run_enumerate.hpp"

int main() {

    std::string s;
    std::cin >> s;

    auto runs = suisen::run_enumerate(s);
    std::sort(std::begin(runs), std::end(runs));

    std::cout << runs.size() << '\n';
    for (const auto &run : runs) {
        std::cout << run.period << ' ' << run.l << ' ' << run.r << '\n';

    return 0;
#line 1 "test/src/string/run_enumerate/runenumerate.test.cpp"
#define PROBLEM "https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/runenumerate"

#include <iostream>

#line 1 "library/string/run_enumerate.hpp"

#include <limits>
#include <tuple>
#include <atcoder/string>

namespace suisen {
    struct Run {
        int period;
        int l, r;
        Run() = default;
        Run(int period, int l, int r) : period(period), l(l), r(r) {}
        friend bool operator<(const Run& r1, const Run& r2) {
            return r1.period != r2.period ? r1.period < r2.period : r1.l != r2.l ? r1.l < r2.l : r1.r < r2.r;
        friend bool operator>(const Run& r1, const Run& r2) { return r2 < r1; }
        friend bool operator<=(const Run& r1, const Run& r2) { return not (r2 < r1); }
        friend bool operator>=(const Run& r1, const Run& r2) { return not (r1 < r2); }
        friend bool operator==(const Run& r1, const Run& r2) { return r1.period == r2.period and r1.l == r2.l and r1.r == r2.r; }
        friend bool operator!=(const Run& r1, const Run& r2) { return not (r1 == r2); }

    template <typename Container, typename = std::void_t<typename Container::value_type>>
    std::vector<Run> run_enumerate(Container& s, typename Container::value_type sentinel = std::numeric_limits<typename Container::value_type>::min()) {
        for (auto& e : s) assert(e != sentinel);

        std::vector<Run> glob_result;

        using T = typename Container::value_type;
        auto div_conq = [&](auto div_conq, int l, int r) -> std::vector<Run> {
            if (r - l <= 1) return {};

            const int m = (l + r) >> 1;
            std::vector<Run> run_l = div_conq(div_conq, l, m);
            std::vector<Run> run_r = div_conq(div_conq, m, r);

            std::vector<T> rl;
            std::copy(std::begin(s) + m, std::begin(s) + r, std::back_inserter(rl));
            std::copy(std::begin(s) + l, std::begin(s) + m, std::back_inserter(rl));
            std::vector<int> z_rl = atcoder::z_algorithm(rl);

            std::reverse(std::begin(rl), std::end(rl));
            std::vector<int> z_rl_rev = atcoder::z_algorithm(rl);

            const int siz = rl.size();

            std::vector<Run> result;

            auto add_ans = [&](Run&& run) { (run.l == l or run.r == r ? result : glob_result).emplace_back(std::move(run)); };

            const int len_l = m - l, len_r = r - m;
            std::vector<Run> run_m(len_r / 2 + 1);
            for (auto& run : run_r) {
                if (run.l != m) {
                run_m[run.period] = std::move(run);
            for (auto& run : run_l) {
                if (run.r != m) {
                const int period = run.period;
                if (z_rl[siz - period] == period) {
                    if (run_m[period].period) {
                        run.r = run_m[period].r;
                        run_m[period] = Run{};
                    } else {
                        run.r = m + period + z_rl[period];
                } else {
                    run.r = m + z_rl[siz - period];
            for (auto& run : run_m) if (run.period) {
                const int period = run.period;
                if (z_rl[siz - period] == period) {
                    if (2 * period <= len_l and z_rl[siz - 2 * period] >= period) continue;
                    run.l = m - period - z_rl_rev[period];
                } else {
                    run.l = m - z_rl_rev[siz - period];

            for (int period = 1; period <= len_l; ++period) {
                bool skip_r = 2 * period <= len_r and z_rl[period] >= period;
                bool skip_l = 2 * period <= len_l and z_rl[siz - 2 * period] >= period;
                if (z_rl[siz - period] == period) {
                    if (skip_l or skip_r) continue;

                    const int beg_pos = m - period - z_rl_rev[period];
                    const int end_pos = m + period + z_rl[period];
                    add_ans(Run{ period, beg_pos, end_pos });
                } else {
                    if (not skip_r) {
                        const int beg_pos = m - z_rl_rev[siz - period];
                        const int end_pos = m + period + z_rl[period];
                        if (end_pos - beg_pos >= 2 * period) {
                            add_ans(Run{ period, beg_pos, end_pos });
                    if (not skip_l) {
                        const int beg_pos = m - period - z_rl_rev[period];
                        const int end_pos = m + z_rl[siz - period];
                        if (end_pos - beg_pos >= 2 * period) {
                            add_ans(Run{ period, beg_pos, end_pos });
            return result;
        const int n = s.size();
        std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, int>> runs;
        for (Run& run : div_conq(div_conq, 0, n)) {
            runs.emplace_back(run.l, run.r, run.period);
        for (Run& run : glob_result) {
            runs.emplace_back(run.l, run.r, run.period);
        std::sort(std::begin(runs), std::end(runs));
                std::begin(runs), std::end(runs),
                [](auto& r1, auto& r2) {
                    return std::get<0>(r1) == std::get<0>(r2) and std::get<1>(r1) == std::get<1>(r2);
            ), std::end(runs)
        std::vector<Run> res;
        for (auto& [l, r, t] : runs) res.emplace_back(t, l, r);
        return res;
} // namespace suisen

#line 6 "test/src/string/run_enumerate/runenumerate.test.cpp"

int main() {

    std::string s;
    std::cin >> s;

    auto runs = suisen::run_enumerate(s);
    std::sort(std::begin(runs), std::end(runs));

    std::cout << runs.size() << '\n';
    for (const auto &run : runs) {
        std::cout << run.period << ' ' << run.l << ' ' << run.r << '\n';

    return 0;
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